
Month: April 2019

Snow! And Matsumoto Castle

Yes, more snow to start the day. Driving to a kimono museum, then on to Matsumoto Castle and a traditional Japanese inn for tonight in the midst of the Southern Alps of Japan. And at 110¥ to the dollar, lift… Continue Reading…

Hakone outdoor sculpture museum

Sunshine arrived for our visit to this fabulous museum.

Cherry blossom season and other pretty faces of nature

We hit it!!!


Becoming floral artists today

Breakfast Condiments

So many unusual choices

On to Hakone

Lots of time in busses and a bullet-train today, which was good since we woke to 45° and rain in Tokyo. It continued most of the day, till we got snow at Lake Ashi in the mountains. About 1″, which… Continue Reading…

Touring Tokyo

Meiji Shrine, fish market and more, in beautiful but chilly sunshine.

First full day in Tokyo

Kinda gray and rainy this morning, but it tapered off after 9:00. Visited largest Buddhist Temple in Tokyo (Sensoji), the Ginza shopping area, and just walked about. Found a local sushi place for lunch….much more reasonable than last night! And… Continue Reading…

Our first meal

This is what 6000 yen (¥) buys for dinner!! Good thing we’re not hungryPS: 100 yen is a dollar. Yikes!!!

Our new digs in downtown Tokyo. Very sweet!